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The joy of the first glide doesn’t leave you anymore, it stays inside you

That is the beginning of a new adventure, of a new range of emotions that from that moment on will continue to push you there, in the midst of the waves, in search of strong sensations and the repetition of that wonderful magic. Kitesurfing is a disease you will never want to heal from. Join our Kitesurfing School Fuerteventura!

Why should you choose us for your kitesurfing school in Fuerteventura?

It is a simple question, which has many good answers:

Because once we were exactly like you, and we remember it very well

We were also beginners, and to get where we are we have already done the path that you will have to follow. And starting from our past experience we have created our teaching method, an effective method, which works, and which has already led many people to become experienced riders.

Because we are passionate riders

All the IKO certified instructors who are part of the Point Break kitesurfing school Fuerteventura are madly in love with the ocean, waves, wind and water sports. These are our passions, and this is our lifestyle.

Because Point Break kitesurfing school Fuerteventura is an affiliated IKO center and all the instructors are certified by the IKO (International Kiteboarding Organization, the most prestigious organization in the world of kitesurfing)

and thanks to their experience they will make you progress in a relaxed but extremely professional way, following the fastest and safest methodology.

Because in case of lack of wind we will give you your money back

and you can choose to pay only the lessons actually carried out at the price of the individual lessons (€ 115.00 for beach flying and € 130.00 for lessons in the water) or carry out alternative activities such as surfing, SUP or wakeboarding while maintaining the advantageous price of our packages.

Because safety comes first, and we never fail to remind ourselves of it during our courses

Kitesurfing is a wonderful sport, adrenaline and fun packed, where everything has to be done in due time. We will follow you in a step by step progression, which will allow you to face each level only when you are ready for it. Rest assured, trust us: the safest method is also the quickest way to learn this sport effectively!

Because, conditions permitting, we will take you with our private boat directly to the places with optimal conditions and with the best wind of the day

Signing up to our kitesurfing course in Fuerteventura you will forget about the crowded spots, the dangers, the obstacles and the uncertain or gusty winds. You will be in good, indeed, in very good hands!

Because our teaching method has a specific purpose, which is to make you completely independent

Only in this way will you be able to live this sport to the fullest and enjoy yourself to the fullest, moving in complete autonomy and knowing exactly what to do and how to behave when we are no longer with you.

Finally, you have to sign up for our kitesurfing course because, as carefree as you can be, we don’t really leave anything to chance

All our instructors follow a methodical and proven teaching based on three fundamental steps:

  • We explain to you what to do and how to do it
  • We show you how to do it
  • We make you practice in total safety

High level all-inclusive material

Flexibility to change course

Many languages ​​spoken

Learn at our kitesurfing school Fuerteventura

There is no better place than Fuerteventura to learn the extraordinary sport of kitesurfing. With its long sunny days, intense wind and crystal clear water, this island offers unbelievable conditions for kitesurfing all year round.

Our IKO certified instructors organise kitesurfing courses for any level, be it beginners, intermediate or advanced.

Our strength lies in the fact that we organise every single session, weighing all the factors involved.

Therefore, before starting the lesson, at our kitesurfing school fuerteventura we will take into consideration not only your skill level, but also the weather conditions.

Based on all this, we will organise the best lessons in one of the different spots in the north of the island: in the large Punta Prieda beach in the Natural Park of Corralejo (also known as Flag Beach), or in the crystal-clear lagoon with shallow and flat water in El Cotillo, in the beach of Piedra Playa El Cotillo, or even, going out with our private boat in the open sea, thus moving away from obstacles, dangers and the crowds of the other kiters.

By signing up for our kite courses you will have the opportunity to face different spots and with different conditions every time

Most likely, during the duration of your course at our kitesurfing school Fuerteventura you will find yourself practicing both in medium-light wind conditions, using larger kites, and in medium-strong wind conditions, thus using smaller kites.

Not only the wind will be different: you will find yourself practicing in flat water conditions for some days and in conditions with chop and waves on other days.

And it is precisely this that differentiates a beginner or a kiter who learns kitesurfing in Fuerteventura from those who learn in other places: to become an independent kiter it is essential to confront different conditions, and then be ready to face them effectively when by your side there will be no more instructors.

And in Fuerteventura, with Point Break, you can practice and learn in extremely different situations.

Future kiters are formed by Point Break kitesurfing school Fuerteventura!

To make our kitesurfing courses so effective, therefore, they are mainly two things: on the one hand, the skills and the inexhaustible passion of our instructors; on the other, the wonders of Fuerteventura, a true Mecca for all wind and ocean lovers.

What they say about us

Kitesurfing course Beginner level in Fuerteventura

We have created this kite course for beginners by thinking of the most efficient, safe and fun way to get closer to this spectacular and incredible sport: are you ready to glide over the water?

This beginner level kitesurfing course is aimed at all people who want to take their first steps in this world, and who want to learn a lot while having fun. We will start with a theory and practical part on the beach, to then continue with lessons in the water starting directly from the beach or going out into the open sea with our private boat: no crowds, no obstacles, and a much faster and safer progression. Are you ready to become an independent kiter?

Based on your goals, you can choose from five different beginner courses: FIRST KITE EXPERIENCE, DISCOVERY, EXPLORER, STARTER, RIDER

Summary of BEGINNER Kitesurfing Courses

First Experience (1 Day) 3 2 students /
1 instructor
115,00 €
Discovery (2 Days) 6 2 students /
1 instructor
230,00 €
Explorer (3 Days) 9 2 students /
1 instructor
340,00 €
Starter (4 Days) 12 2 students /
1 instructor
440,00 €
Rider (5 Days) 15 2 students /
1 instructor
530,00 €

When you finish the lessons of the Kitesurfing for Beginners package you have purchased, if you wish to continue you can enrol in the Kitesurfing Intermediate course.

Kitesurfing course for beginners: FIRST KITE EXPERIENCE

1 kitesurfing lesson of 3 hours, with a maximum of 2 students per instructor

We almost envy you: with this first beginner kite course you will experience the unrepeatable thrill of flying a kite for the first time. This experience is not easily forgotten! You will learn to feel the wind and use it intelligently to fly a two-line kite in total safety.

PRICE: € 115,00

What you will learn with this course:

  • Evaluation S.E.A. (Spot, Environment, Activity)
  • Wind window theory
  • Check the flight of a two-line kite
  • Launch a two-line kite
  • Land a two-line kite
  • Explore the wind window with a two-line kite

What is included in the price:

  • IKO (International Kiteboarding Organization) qualified and certified instructors
  • Maximum two students per instructor
  • All the equipment needed to practice kitesurfing safely during the course
  • Transfer from our center to the best spot of the day
  • 3 hours of teaching
  • Theory lesson
  • Practical lesson
  • Civil Liability Insurance
  • Insurance for possible accidents during the practice of the sport, in accordance with the new regulation “Active Tourism in Canary Islands.

Kitesurfing course for beginners: DISCOVERY

2 kitesurfing lesson of 3 hours, with a maximum of 2 students per instructor

After taking the first steps with a 2 line kite, it’s time to fly a real 4 line kite! You will learn to move the kite in the different areas of the wind window and move easily on the beach by managing the kite with one hand, while holding your board on the other.

PRICE: € 230,00

Here is what you will learn during this course:

  • Program of the first day First Kite Experience
  • Assemble a true 4 line kite
  • How to keep, transport and securely ground a kite
  • Pre-flight checks
  • Take off and land as an assistant
  • Use of different security systems
  • First piloting and exploration of the edge of the wind window with 4-line kite
  • Release the bar
  • Wrap and unroll the lines
  • Control with one hand
  • Walk the kite in flight by checking the kite with one hand and holding the board on the other
  • Discovery of the trim
  • Take off and land the kite as a pilot
  • Disassemble the equipment

What is included in the price?

  • IKO (International Kiteboarding Organization) qualified and certified instructors
  • Maximum two students per instructor
  • All the equipment needed to practice kitesurfing safely during the course
  • Transfer from our center to the best spot of the day
  • Two lessons of 3 hours lessons with a maximum of two people per instructor
  • Theory lesson
  • Practical lesson
  • Civil Liability Insurance
  • Insurance for possible accidents during the practice of sport, in accordance with the new regulation “Active Tourism in Canary Islands”

Kitesurfing course for beginners: EXPLORER

3 kitesurfing lesson of 3 hours, with a maximum of 2 students per instructor

After learning to control the flight of your kite, you are finally ready to face the ocean. You will realize it immediately: controlling the kite in a dynamic context like the open sea is really another story! With these lessons you will learn to be one with your kite, to take advantage of it to move around the sea in all directions. You will therefore begin to find the balance of your body, to carry out the first water start, the starting maneuver that will take you to the first glides.

PRICE: € 340,00

What will you learn during this course?

  • The second day program “The Discovery”
  • How to relaunch the kite from the water
  • Body-drag downwind with two hands, on both sides
  • Body drag downwind with power (power stroke) on both sides
  • Body-drag upwind on both sides
  • How to put the board onto your feet
  • Steady Pull
  • Water start
  • The first meters of navigation on the board

What is included in the price?

  • IKO (International Kiteboarding Organization) qualified and certified instructors
  • During the course we provide you with all the necessary equipment to practice kitesurfing safely
  • Transfer from our center to the best spot of the day
  • Three lessons of 3 hours lessons with a maximum of two people per instructor
  • Offshore lessons with boat (depending on conditions)
  • Theory lesson
  • Practical lesson
  • Civil Liability Insurance
  • Insurance for possible accidents during the practice of sport, in accordance with the new regulation for “Active Tourism in Canary Islands”

Kitesurfing course for beginners: STARTER

4 kitesurfing lesson of 3 hours, with a maximum of 2 students per instructor

At the end of this kitesurfing course, the ocean will definitely be your friend: on the fourth day you will be able to dominate the water start and move with confidence. Kitesurfing will have definitely entered your veins by now!

PRICE: € 440,00

What will you learn during this course?

  • The third day program “The Explorer “
  • How to dominate the water start
  • How to increase the navigation distance on the board going both to the right and to the left
  • How to control the navigation on the board going both to the right and to the left
  • Stop with control

What is included in the price:

  • IKO (International Kiteboarding Organization) qualified and certified instructors
  • During the course we provide you with all the necessary equipment to practice kitesurfing safely
  • Transfer from our center to the best spot of the day
  • Four lessons of 3 hours lessons with a maximum of two people per instructor
  • Offshore lessons with boat (depending on conditions)
  • Theory lesson
  • Practical lesson
  • Civil Liability Insurance
  • Insurance for possible accidents during the practice of sport, in accordance with the new regulation for “Active Tourism in Canary Islands”
  • IKO level certification

Kitesurfing course for beginners: RIDER

5 kitesurfing lesson of 3 hours, with a maximum of 2 students per instructor

For its length, spirit and content, this is the most complete kitesurfing course for beginners in our kitesurfing school Fuerteventura among those offered by our school in Fuerteventura. Once you get to the bottom of this intensive kitesurfing course, you will be able to define yourself a rider: you will find yourself riding the waves in perfect connection with nature!

PRICE: € 530,00

Here is what you will learn during this course:

  • Program of the fourth day Starter
  • How to ride upwind
  • Transitions
  • The rules of precedence
  • How to ride on toe-side

What is included in the price:

  • IKO (International Kiteboarding Organization) qualified and certified instructors
  • During the course we provide you with all the necessary equipment to practice kitesurfing safely
  • Transfer from our center to the best spot of the day
  • Five lessons of 3 hours lessons with a maximum of two people per instructor
  • Offshore lessons with boat (depending on conditions)
  • Theory lesson
  • Practical lesson
  • Civil Liability Insurance
  • Insurance for possible accidents during the practice of sport, in accordance with the new regulation for “Active Tourism in Canary Islands”
  • IKO level certification

Summary of BEGINNER Kitesurfing Courses

First Experience (1 Day) 3 2 students /
1 instructor
115,00 €
Discovery (2 Days) 6 2 students /
1 instructor
230,00 €
Explorer (3 Days) 9 2 students /
1 instructor
340,00 €
Starter (4 Days) 12 2 students /
1 instructor
440,00 €
Rider (5 Days) 15 2 students /
1 instructor
530,00 €

*Each new booking will be priced as a new package. When you finish the lessons of the Kitesurfing for Beginners package you have purchased, if you wish to continue you can enrol in the Kitesurfing Intermediate course.

Kitesurfing course intermediate level in Fuerteventura

At our kitesurfing school Fuerteventura we know Kitesurfing is already inevitably in you, and you can’t wait to hone your technique to have more fun with the waves and the wind: we thought this intermediate level kite course just for you; you’ve decided to learn this great sport in the best place in the world to do it: Fuerteventura, of course!

What we present you is a completely personalized course, tailor-made based on your experience and your skills. In fact, even before starting the actual lessons, we will analyze your level and plan together your progression in the exciting world of kite surfing. With the intermediate course, therefore, we will take you to the next level!

What skills do you need to be able to access this course?
At the very least you need to be able to boast the skills required by IKO level 2H: you must therefore be able to re-launch the kite from the water, to control the body-drag downwind, the body-drag with power downwind and the body-drag upwind.

Level check & skill refresh

Has it been some time since your last kite session? Do you feel a little rusty
Don’t worry, we got you covered! You must know, in fact, that our intermediate kitesurfing course includes a first lesson on the beach, during which, during an evaluation of your level, the instructor will refresh your techniques if necessary to prepare you for an exciting offshore experience – of course in total safety.

Level check is mandatory for those who have not used a kite during the last 9 months, and it is highly recommended for all intermediate levels: this short and precious step will allow you to regain confidence with the kite and with the safety systems, and will allow in addition the instructor to correct any mistakes and to assess your level precisely, in order to be able to prepare the next water lesson based on your real needs.

What will you learn in this course?

  • How to dominate the water start
  • How to increase the navigation distance on your board going both to the right and to the left
  • How to control the navigation on the board going both to the right and to the left
  • Stop with control
  • Riding upwind
  • Transitions
  • Rules of precedence
  • Ride in toe side
  • Turn on toe side position

Do you want to perfect these skills? All you have to do is contact us to sign up for your intermediate level kite course in the crystal clear waters of Fuerteventura!

What is included in the price?

  • IKO (International Kiteboarding Organization) qualified and certified instructors
  • During the course we provide you with all the necessary equipment to practice kitesurfing safely
  • Transfer from our center to the best spot of the day
  • 3 hours of teaching each day of course with a maximum of two students per instructor
  • Offshore lessons with boat (depending on conditions)
  • Theory lesson
  • Practical lesson
  • Civil Liability Insurance
  • Insurance for possible accidents during the practice of sport, in accordance with the new regulation for “Active Tourism in Canary Islands”
  • IKO level certification (minimum 3 days course)

Summary INTERMEDIATE kitesurf course

Refresh / level check 1 2 students/1 instructor 60,00 €
1 3 2 students/1 instructor 130,00 €
2 6 2 students/1 instructor 250,00 €
3 9 2 students/1 instructor 360,00 €
4 12 2 students/1 instructor 470,00 €
5 15 2 students/1 instructor 560,00 €
Extra days in the same booking* + 3 hours per day 2 students/1 instructor 90,00 €

*Each new booking will be priced as a new package.

PRIVATE from the shore 1 students/1 instructor 100,00 € / h (min 2h)
PRIVATE with Private Boat 1 student / 1 instructor + boat captain and private boat 300,00 € (2h)

Kitesurfing course for Advanced Level in Fuerteventura

Pure fun: now you have full control of your movements, and navigate in perfect harmony with your kite. Do you want to exceed your limits, and do things that, when you started with this sport, you didn’t even imagine you could do?

This course is designed for those who already know their stuff in kitesurfing.

To participate in this course you must therefore possess at least the skills required by IKO level J3, such as: being able to navigate medium-long stretches in both directions, being able to stop with control and to control the speed of navigation of the board.

Do you recognize yourself there? Then this is definitely the advanced kitesurfing course made especially for you: we are waiting for you in Fuerteventura! Join our kitesurfing school Fuerteventura.

Here is what you will learn with this course:

  • Perfecting and dominating riding upwind
  • Transitions
  • Rules of precedence
  • Riding on toe-side
  • Turn on toe side
  • Pop (jumping without moving the kite)
  • First jumps
  • Jump with grab
  • Back Roll
  • Front Roll
  • Back Roll with grab
  • Front roll with grab
  • Railey hooked
  • Unhook and hook yourself back on
  • Down-loop (both sides)
  • Power turn (jibe + down-loop)
  • Power turn in both directions
  • Kite loop with the kite sailing downwind

What is included in the course price?

  • Lessons by qualified and IKO certified instructors (International Kiteboarding Organization)
  • During the course we will provide you with quality equipment to practice kitesurfing safely
  • We will take care of the transfer from our center to the best spots
  • 3 hours of teaching each day of course with a maximum of 2 students per instructor
  • Offshore lessons launching from a boat (depending on sea conditions)
  • Theory lesson
  • Practical lesson
  • Civil Liability Insurance
  • Insurance for possible accidents during the practice of sport in accordance with the new regulation for “Active Tourism in Canary Islands”
  • IKO level certification (minimum 3 days course)

Summary ADVANCED Kitesurf Course

1 3 2 students/1 instructor 130,00 €
2 6 2 students/1 instructor 250,00 €
3 9 2 students/1 instructor 360,00 €
4 12 2 students/1 instructor 470,00 €
5 15 2 students/1 instructor 560,00 €
Extra day in the same booking* + 3 hour per day 2 students/1 instructor 90,00 €

*Each new booking will be priced as a new package.

PRIVATE from the shore 1 students/1 instructor 100,00 € / h (min 2h)
PRIVATE with Private Boat 1 student / 1 instructor + boat captain and private boat 300,00 € (2h)

Kitesurfing course Wave Strapless in Fuerteventura

“if you can’t catch the wave nothing else matters”

Different sensations, surfing styles poles apart: if you are interested in this proposal of ours, you are probably also struck by riding without straps. As the riders who have already tried – and master – this technique, abandoning the straps means being able to try increasingly complex tricks.

Are you ready for this new way of kiting? You are already an independent kiter and can navigate independently with the twin tip board, but would you like to experience the incredible sensation of using surfboards, and therefore want to learn all the techniques needed to ride on the face of the waves?

If your answer is yes, then you should definitely try our wave strapless course: through our specific learning program, you will progressively be able to feel comfortable in the midst of the waves, and thus perform the most important basic maneuvers of wave riding.

What will you learn in this special kite course?

  • Water start with a surfboard (foot-strap or strapless)
  • Surfing up-wind
  • Change the position to toe side
  • Jybe heel to toe
  • Jybe toe to heel
  • How to pass the shore break
  • How to jump on the wave
  • Bottom turn
  • Cut back
  • Tack

What is included in the price?

  • As always, the courses will be taught by qualified IKO (International Kiteboarding Organization) instructors
  • During the course we will provide you with all the necessary equipment to practice kitesurfing safely
  • Transfer from our center to the best spot of the day
  • 3 hours of teaching with a maximum of two students per instructor
  • Offshore lessons from our boat (depending on sea conditions)
  • Theory lesson
  • Practical lesson
  • Civil Liability Insurance
  • Insurance for possible accidents during the practice of sport in accordance with the new regulation for “Active Tourism in Canariy Islands”

Summary Wave Strapless Kitesurf course

1 3 2 students/1 instructor 130,00 €
2 6  2 students/1 instructor 250,00 €
3 9  2 students/1 instructor 360,00 €
4 12  2 students/1 instructor 470,00 €
5 15  2 students/1 instructor 560,00 €
Extra day in the same booking* + 3 hours per day  2 students/1 instructor 90,00 €

*Each new booking will be priced as a new package.

PRIVATE from the shore 1 students/1 instructor 100,00 € / h (min 2h)
PRIVATE with Private Boat 1 student / 1 instructor + boat captain and private boat 300,00 € (2h)

Kitesurfing in the middle of the ocean Downwind in Fuerteventura

Fun, in fact, super fun! We do not offer a course, but rather the opportunity to have a dream downwind session away from everything

Are you an independent kiter but want to sail in the middle of the ocean, without crowds, without shore break and away from obstacles and dangers? Or maybe there is no wind in Corralejo, and you can’t launch from the beach?

Don’t worry, you don’t have to give up your kite session. Instead, at our kitesurfing school Fuerteventura, you can take advantage of it to make a dream trip: you just need to contact us and request a downwind session. Having said that, you will board our private boat with us, and we will take you to the area with the best wind conditions.

You must know that sometimes, in Corralejo the wind does not get in, due to particular phenomena caused by the neighboring islands of Lanzarote and Lobos. Thanks to our knowledge of the island, however, nothing is lost: we will move with our boat to reach the areas where the wind blows and where it will be possible to navigate.

You should know that this is not a kitesurfing course:at our kitesurfing school Fuerteventura downwind does not include any lessons from our instructors. To participate, therefore, you must be an independent kiter who can navigate independently.

However, we will provide you with all the necessary material, which will be carefully prepared on the ground by our instructors, and once you reach the wind, our instructor will take off your kite, check that everything is in order, and your session can begin, and you can play around!

Summary Kitesurf DOWNWIND

1 3 100,00 €
2 6 190,00 €
3 9 280,00 €
Extra day in the same booking* + 3 hours per day 80,00 €

*Each new booking will be priced as a new package.

Need more info?

Chat with us at any time, we will give you all the tips you need in real time, this is our Whatsapp number

+34 666 983757

Kitesurf rental service

Of course the kite cannot be thrown in the backpack, or in the trolley: do you want to travel light? Don’t want to run the risk of breaking or having your equipment lost? Don’t you want to waste time and money to carry and paying for sports baggage fees? No problem: we’ll take care of it.

If you don’t want to bring your own equipment, you can rent kitesurfing equipment from Point Break, in Fuerteventura. Whatever the conditions, strong wind or light wind, you can rent the right kitesurfing equipment that suits you best, and you can change the equipment at any time to adapt to changing conditions.

We use Slingshot and Core equipment (which certainly need no introduction!) and we renew the equipment every six months to allow you to ride with latest generation gear. We have available different kite models suitable for different styles and different disciplines as well as boards of all sizes, both twin tip and surfboards with foot-strap and strapless. Leaving the equipment at home has a lot of advantages!

To rent kitesurfing equipment in our center of Fuerteventura you must be an independent kiter: it is essential to know how to ride upwind.

Rental prices

Rental Days 1 2 3 4 5 EXTRA
(Kite + Bar + Leash + Board + Pump)
50 € 95 € 140 € 180 € 210 € 35 €
Kite + Bar + Leash 25 € 50 € 75 € 95 € 105 € 20 €
Kiteboard 25 € 50 € 75 € 95 € 105 € 20 €
Harnes 10 € 20 € 30 € 36 € 42 € 6 €
Kite Leash 3 € 6 € 9 € 10 € 11 € 1 €
Helmet 3 € 6 € 9 € 10 € 11 € 1 €
Impact Vest 3 € 6 € 9 € 10 € 11 € 1 €
Wetsuit 5 € 10 € 15 € 18 € 21 € 3 €

Our team

All our instructors have turned their passions into their professions and every day, at the beach as in the middle of the ocean, they give their best to deliver a great sports experience to our customers.


Come visit us in our shop. Click directly on the image of our school below to open our address on Google Maps.
